Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Signs It's Time to Address the Problem

Signs it’s Time to Address the Problem

- You can count the hours of sleep you get each night on one hand
- You have escape fantasies about leaving the law on a daily basis
- You have trouble falling asleep and/or wake early
- You write eloquent descriptions of your despair
- You have to stop to think when asked, “How many nights did you sleep at the office last month?”
- You settle cases you know you shouldn’t, but you can’t stand the anxiety of litigation
- Your chest tenses and jaw tightens at the mere name of one or more colleagues, opposing counsel, or judge
- Your weight fluctuates with your workload and trial dates
- The last time you took time off work you attended a funeral
- You can’t accomplish even simple tasks at times
- Your loved one’s eyes glaze over when you complain about work
- You’ve given up complaining because you don’t think your loved one will ever understand
- You live in fear of being laid off
- You’ve been laid off
- You don't think it will ever get any better
- Door-to-door encyclopedia sales is looking better and better!

My clients change patterns in their lives just like these. Drop me an email. Let's schedule time to see how I can help you.

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