Sunday, July 12, 2009

You're Not Always Right

You weren’t born a lawyer. Your parents may say you were born argumentative, but you weren’t born a lawyer. At some point in childhood, you knew that you weren’t always right.

Then you grew up. Somewhere along the way you decided you were always right. Perhaps before law school. Perhaps during. Now you probably think you’re always right.

How many times has someone told you in an argument that you’re not always right? Spouses, partners, significant others. Do they get irritated and say You think you’re always right?

The very things that help you succeed so well at your job - your drive to succeed, your drive to be correct, and your certainty in your arguments - create major issues in relationships.

If you’re successful at your job, you may be alienating the people around you.

Lawyers have to learn to turn off their drive at home and with friends. It really is ok if you give your loved ones space to think their own thoughts. You don’t have to convince them of the Truth.

Remember that you will unconsciously drive to convince and persuade. Trust your loved ones when they say you’re being too intense with your opinions. You may think you’ve left that approach at the office, but you haven’t. You can’t.

Life will be a continual process of letting go and relaxing.

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