Saturday, October 10, 2009

IRAC Your Career

Issue – Lawyers frequently present with a wide variety of issues stemming from an underlying sense of dissatisfaction. They want their lives and careers to be better.

Rule – Career-related happiness and satisfaction, or lack thereof, is a function of the interplay of the following Career Factors:

Personality Style + Behavioral Style + Learning Style + Generational Differences + Learning History + Vocational Identity + Values + Current Situation + Theme/Role

Analysis – Using the services of a trained career consultant psychologist, first, identify and diagram the presenting problems and their hidden, underlying issues by synthesizing the information provided. It is critically important during this step to identify and address not only the known issues, but also the underlying issues that unconsciously cause and perpetuate the known problems. Second, develop, analyze and integrate the various Career Factors noted above to create a plan that addresses all the issues and that will lead to greatly increased happiness and satisfaction.

Conclusion – Walk away with a written Analysis and Proposal setting forth concrete steps personally designed to lead one to their goals.

During the career consultation process, lawyers address the underlying, hidden issues that cause the presenting problems as well as the themes and patterns which perpetuate the presenting problem.

Through this process, lawyers gain confidence, balance their priorities, and achieve their goals.

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