Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Right Reasons to Go to Law School

What's your take on this?  What do you think are the right reasons to go to law school?

Good career consulting ought to be able to help you sort this kind of thing out.  University academic advisors have an incredibly limited amount of time with students (I know, I used to be one).  The decision to become a lawyer ought to be entered into with deep thought and self-analysis not by default.  Most people don't know what they're getting into when they apply. 

Friday, November 6, 2009

OCD and the Law

1.4-2% of the general population has OCD.  15% of male lawyers and 21% of female lawyers reach the threshhold for OCD. 

It makes perfect sense.  Perfectionism is critical to effective job performance in the law.  A missing comma, a phrase out of place, tiny errors in any other discipline put billions and careers at risk in the law. 

The problem is that the discipline nudges people toward pathology.  And, it's really hard to be happy with OCD driving your day.